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Hands on the Nokia's N9

Hands on the Nokia’s N9

Back in July I caught up with the Nokia marketing team for a look at the upcoming N9 Smartphone. My First impression was that the N9 is a very stylish looking Smarphone with a high quality finish. Interestingly Nokia say that when they initially showed the N9 to members of the public, without the Nokia branding on them, many thought[Read More…]

Sharing Large Files Online

Sharing large files across the Internet used to be quite a difficult task, but now the tools to move anything from a few metabytes to a couple of gigabytes are accessable to all…either cheaply or free. At, with a free account you can send files of up to 50megabytes, and it’s much the same as sending an email. Google[Read More…]

“Defraggle” your Hard Drive

One of the best things you can do you help your computer run better is to defragment its hard drive…but how exactly does this help? Well, when you fill a bucket with water, it fills from the bottom to the top. Your computer’s hard drive fills up in a very different way with programs and other data spread across different[Read More…]

Mobile Device Security Warning

Google Android is now the most popular mobile device platform, but with millions of devices and millions of users, Android has become an attractive target for attacks from cyber-criminals. A new study has shown that Malware on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets is up 273% in the first half of 2011, compared with the same period in 2010.[Read More…]

Looking for a Tablet Computer you can hold with 1 hand?

If you like the idea of a Tablet device, but are looking for something smaller than a 10inch iPad, Motorola Xoom or similar that you can easily hold in one hand, here’s a couple of options. Samsung’s Galaxy Tablet was one of the first popular 7inch tablets but quickly disappeared in a market of new 10inch devices…although they can still[Read More…]