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Apple co-funder Steve Wozniak compares Steve Jobs’ death to John Lennon

Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak compared hearing the news of Jobs’ passing to hearing about the assassinations of John Lennon and President John F. Kennedy.

Talking set-top Box

The switchover from analog to digital TV continues across Australia, with regional Queensland next on the list to make the switch on December 6. For many this will just mean connecting a digital set-top box to their existing TV which is easily done at little cost and for the vision impaired there’s also now the option of a talking set-top-box.[Read More…]

Is the iPhone 4S really a disappointment?

Unlike most Tech media I decided to hold back 24hours to properly digest Apple’s latest announcements, including that they were launching the iPhone 4S this month – not the much anticipated iPhone 5. The initial response from many seems to have been lack lustre and almost as if they were expecting the launch of a device that was so amazing[Read More…]

Fun with old Floppy Disc Drives

The days of the Floppy Disc drive are well behind us, however one guy with way too much time on his hands has found a good, musical, use for them.

What’s in Windows 8?

The way we use computers and the Internet is changing which means software makers need to keep up so they don’t get left behind. For this very reason we can expect the next version of Microsoft’s Windows Operating system to be significantly different from the current version. Windows 8 won’t just be aimed at the next generation of desktop and[Read More…]