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Celebrities pose a threat to your Computer

It’s amazing to think that some of the world’s most famous people could also be the greatest threat to your computer. According to the McAfee Most Dangerous Celebrities study, here are the top 10 celebs to be weary of online. 1 – Heidi Klum – Klum, the former Victoria’s Secret model and current producer of “Project Runway” moved up from[Read More…]

Windows Phone 7.5 Released today

Earlier today Microsoft began rolling out the Windows Phone 7.5 update to phones around the world. This video gives an overview of the new look and feel of the Windows Phone platform. (I’ll be updating my own handset later today)

Humax - UK's #1 PVR is now available in Australia

Humax – UK’s #1 PVR is now available in Australia

The Personal Video Recorder also known as a Digital Video Recorder is a must have in a age of digital TV and lives that don’t always allow us to be home when our favourite shows are being broadcast. One of the latest PVRs to hit the market is from Humax which is the number 1 selling PVR in the U.K[Read More…]

A Video Camera for extreme conditions

A Video Camera for extreme conditions

A video camera is a great capturing memorable moments…but when it comes to extreme outdoor activities most are simply not built for the job. So what’s the best way to capture surfing, mountain bike riding, water skiing, rock climbing, motorcross and skateboarding on video? A wearable, hands free video camera. Surprisingly they’re not that expensive and the results can be[Read More…]

Panasonic gets tougher on Notebooks

Panasonic gets tougher on Notebooks

There are some places that Notebook computers are simply not meant to go…such as places that are dusty, wet or subject to extreme vibrations. However there are some jobs that are constantly exposed to these conditions that also require the use of a computer…which is where a Toughbook comes in handy. Panasonic’s latest Toughbook (CF-31 Mk2) can withstand a drop[Read More…]