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Interview with Facebook's Peter Deng on the new Video Call feature

Interview with Facebook’s Peter Deng on the new Video Call feature

Who better to talk to about the new Video Calling feature on Facebook than Facebook’s director of product, Peter Deng. Peter was happy to discuss the new feature and their relationship with Skype on the project. Listen here – Peter Deng Director of Product on the Video Calling feature

Facebook introduces face-to-face video calls

In an address streamed live on Facebook earlier today Mark Zuckerberg introduced several updates to Facebook Messages: Video Calling, Group Chat, and a new Chat design. – Video Calling: Together with Skype, you can now video call your friends on Facebook for simple real-time face to face conversations. – Group Chat: One of our most requested features is the ability[Read More…]

Must Play – inFamous 2 (Playstation 3 exclusive)

If you had super powers, would you use them for the benefit of all…or for your own evil purposes? That’s the premise of the new Playstation 3 game “inFamous 2” where playing as would be hero Cole Mcgrath you’re tasked with taking on a dark-force that’s set to wipe out humanity…in the form of a giant beast. Through this open[Read More…]

AVG Tax Time Warnings

With nearly 20 percent of tax payers now using the ATO’s e-tax eletronic tax return service, tax time has become a target for cyber criminals looking to steal personal information which may give them access to bank accounts or other financial institutions. AVG Australia warns that in the upcoming monthsy we can expect scams in the form of fraudulent emails,[Read More…]

Talking Disaster Data Recovery with Acronis

Amid the tremors and earthquakes being reported in our region today it was timely to catch up with the general manager of Acronis, pacific, Karl Sice. A recent survey by Acronics revealed that over one third of Australian Businesses do not have a disaster or recovery plan. So in the event of natural disasters or other events that might see[Read More…]