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Weekly Video Games News – July 1

1.3 Trillion Gigabytes added to the Digital Universe in 2011

The latest IDC Digital Universe Study has revealed that the amount of data being created globally is now growing faster than Moore’s Law…with 1.8 Zettabytes of DATA to be created in 2011. Today i spoke about the implications of this growing date trend with Clive Gold, Marketing Chief Technology Office at EMC Corporation. Listen here – IDC Digital Universe Study[Read More…]

What is USB 3.0?

Many new computers now have a feature called USB 3.0…but what exactly does that mean? Well, the USB port is commonly used to connect peripheral devices such as Keyboards, Mice and external hard drives to your computer. The new USB 3.0 feature now being introduced on many new computers simply refers to the evolution of the speed at which data[Read More…]

Selling your old Computer? Delete personal info first!

If you’ve just bought a new computer and are thinking of selling off your old one…here are a couple of things you need to do first. Simply deleting files and folders isn’t enough if you don’t want to share andy personal information stored on that computer with the new owner. The act of deleting simply makes data disappear from view,[Read More…]

Sonic the Hedgehog Celebrates 20th Anniversary today

Sonic the Hedgehog Celebrates 20th Anniversary today

If you were playing video games back in 1991, then chances are you would have played the very first Sonic the Hedgehog game on the Sega Megadrive. Today Sonic turns 20, and to celebrate SEGA has announced a sale of Sonic titles currently available for PlayStation®Network and Xbox LIVE® Marketplace for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from[Read More…]