Recent stories

Taking a Snapshot of your Hard Drive

Imagine that you’ve got your PC set up just the way you like it with all your programs and the system running smoothly…it’s almost worth taking a picture. Actually that’s not as silly as it sounds as with the help of the right software you can take a digital snapshot of exactly how your computer is today…so if something goes[Read More…]

Video report from the final day at the E3 Expo in Los Angeles

Day 2 report from the E3 Video Games Expo in L.A

The latest from the E3 Video Games Expo in Los Angeles

USB Lock for your Computer

If you have a spare USB flash drive lying around, when combined with some free software you can use it like a key to access your computer. The Program is called “Predator” and once installed it can make your USB drive just like the key to your car…the computer simply won’t work without it. Plug your USB key into the[Read More…]