Recent stories

Motorstorm Apocalypse – Coming to Playstation 3 on March 17

** Please note that the interview below was recorded before the devastating events in Japan last week ** The 4th game in the “Motorstorm” series (3rd for Playstation 3) will hit stores in Australia on March 17. This week I caught up with Simon Barlow from Evolution Studios about what’s new in Motorstorm Apocalypse…and why it’s not just another racing[Read More…]

Clean up your PC in 6 steps

Want to get your sluggish PC running better? Follow these 6 easy steps. Step 1. Tidy up the desktop by deleting or moving files, shortcuts and otehr clutter, then empty the recycle bin. Step 2. Delete unnecessary files that have accumulated and are simply taking up space. Step 3. Make a backup of important files by writing them to a[Read More…]

Monitoring your kids online

If you’re concerned about your kids behavior and safely when they are using the Internet, here’s some free software to help put your mind at ease. McGruff SafeGuard is an Internet monitoring tool that can record and analyse instant chat conversations, email, social networking and other websites for inappropriate content. To further encourage positive use of the web, the program[Read More…]

Goodbye mcm

Goodbye mcm

Hi guys and girls.  Well if you’re reading this then you didn’t get to see me before my sudden departure from mcm a week ago.Needless to say I’m not happy about how by departure came about, especially after seeing it happen to so many other good people over the 15 years I’d been with the company.  However I’m going to[Read More…]

TopGeek – The Next Challenge

Competing iiNet’s “Top Geek” competition, the remaining 15 competitors were challenged to come up with an idea for a TV Show or Movie and create a Video, Comic Book or Storyboard to demonstrate it. Here’s what I came up with for my entry. Judging results will be in tonight!