Recent stories

What does that Facebook App really do?

More than 500 million people would agree that Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues…but of course there’s more to this social networking site. The many applications that can be attached to your Facebook account can make it either more fun, with games or more productive with applications for business, social groups and[Read More…]

iiNet Top Geek - Top 20 Announced (includes me!)

iiNet Top Geek – Top 20 Announced (includes me!)

iiNet announced the Top 20 competitors for their Top Geek competition on Friday and I’m happy to say that I am amoung the 20 ‘geeks’ who will make it to the next round. Over the news few weeks I will battle it out with the other 19 geeks in various challenges, which will no doubt be for your entertainment. 😉[Read More…]

Sony Announces Next Gen Portable Entertainment System

Sony Announces Next Gen Portable Entertainment System

Like your entertainment portable? Sony Computer Entertainment has just announced a new portable entertainment system to be released at the end of the year, Codename NGP. The NGP will feature both Wi-Fi and G3 connectivity, a 5-inch OLED display and a new control system including a rear multi-touch display. Equally as exciting is the annoucement of Playstation Suite – which[Read More…]

Your Back-to-School Computer Checklist

Here’s a quick back to school checklist to make sure your computer is ready for another year of study! Firstly, clean up. Delete and old files you don’t need, clean up the computer desktop and un-install unwanted or distracting programs. Next, update! Make sure you are running the most recently version of commonly used programs. This is important for both[Read More…]

Solid State Hard Drives – What’s the Difference?

Many new Notebook and Netbook computers now come standard with solid state hard drives, or you have have the option to upgrade to one…but what’s the difference between one of these and a traditional hard drive? Well for years we’ve all been using magnetic hard drives that use layers of spinning metal disks to store information and there are plenty[Read More…]