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Battle of the Tablet Computers

Tablet computers are one of the hottest technology items on the market at the moment so here’s a brief roundup of what’s on offer. Telstra’s T-Touch Tab is a winner on price, coming in at under 300 dollars. However is resistive touch screen means that navigation isn’t quite as breezy as many popular touch screen devices. Apple’s iPad draws you[Read More…]

Want to send an e-Card this Christmas?

Here are some sites to choose from. If you’re not sure if an e-cards site is free of malware or othet net nasties, get the free Linkscanner program from AVG to check sites before you visit them.

PayPal offer tips for Shopping Online

More and more Australain shoppers are turning to shopping online to avoid shopping centre crowds…especially at this time of year. This is great news for online retailers and a recent report from PayPal indicates that the Australian eCommerce market is set to reach 36.8 billion dollars by 2013…with onlne sales for 2010 peaking this Christmas. To help you make the[Read More…]

Shopping online safely for Christmas

When it comes to online shopping , one of the best tips to help you stay safe is to think before you click on any link. Lloyd Borrett from AVG explains why in this video interview.

Could you give up your PC for a week?

Could you give up your PC for a week?

According to a new survey from Intel, Australians would rather give up their TV for a week than their PC. Today I spoke with Kate Burleigh from Intel about some of the other surprising results from the survey, along with some tips for Christmas computer shopping. Interview with Kate_Burleigh on Aust PC user survey