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Gran Turismo 5 - Out now for Playstation 3

Gran Turismo 5 – Out now for Playstation 3

The much anticipated Gran Turismo 5 arrived in stores for Playstation 3 this week. I spoke with Patrick Lagana from Sony Computer Entertainment Australia about some of the features of this amazing driving / racing simulator for Playstation 3. Listen to the Interview here – Gran Turismo 5 Interview with Patrick Lagana

The Ultimate Toy for iPad / iPhone owners – The A.R Drone Quadricopter

Just launched in Australia, the Parrot A.R Drone. It’s a remote controlled Quadricopter that’s controlled by iPhone / iPad / iPod touch. The AR Drone is also armed with on-board cameras, beaming back vision to the ‘pilot’, but these cameras are also enable the Quadricopter to become part of augmented reality games on the control device. The Parrot AR.Drone is[Read More…]

Rid your PC of “Bloatware”

When you buy a new computer, you may find that quite a few programs have been pre-installed on it as a bonus…however the reality of this is more like the software version of junk mail, stuffed into your letterbox by a company hoping that you’ll buy something from the catalogue. These extra programs range from trial anti-virus software to maintenance[Read More…]

How the XBox360 Kinect is being used in the real world

Here’s a fun example of the new Kinect hands-free controller being used to play Ubisoft’s new “Fighters Uncaged” game.

Facebook’s new messaging system – “It’s not email”

Facebook explain their new messaging system that they say isn’t designed to replace email.