Recent stories

Monitoring your Mac’s Hard drive

Here’s a handy tool for Mac users who want to keep an eye on how much hard drive space their music, movies, photos and other data is using up. It’s called “Space Control“, and once installed this application will continuously monitor your hard drive and display the amount of free space in the menu bar of your Mac’s desktop. You[Read More…]

Who’s free to call on your Mobile Network

Some mobile phone networks allow customers to make free calls to other users on the same network. If you’re an eligible customber of 3 or Vodaphone then here’s an application that will help you find out who to call for free. Once installed, the Who2Call app re-creates the contact list on your mobile phone, adding either a Vodafone or 3[Read More…]

Log-in with Facial Recognition

The best way to lock unwanted users out of your PC is to password protect it, yet many Windows users don’t take advantage of this feature. If you feel it’s simply a hassle to type a password everytime you turn your computer on, try going high-tech by logging in with your face…and all you need is a webcam. Using a[Read More…]

Starting up your favourite programs each day

When starting up the computer at home or work, many people have a set routine…like opening up email, a favourite website, Facebook and a communications program like MSN or Skype….well here’s a program to automate the whole process. “Start my Day” is a free PC program that you can configure to start up your favourite applications and websites. Once set[Read More…]

Interview – The ‘Dark’ side of the Web

This week I caught up with Lloyd Borrett, Security Evangelist at AVG Australia & NZ. With so much talk from political parties about web filters, we had a chat about how families can protect themselves online.