Recent stories

The Cyber Guardian

The Cyber Guardian

June 6 to 11 is National Cyber Security Awareness Week. It’s designed to raise awareness among Australians of cyber security risks and the simple steps they can take to protect their personal and financial information online…which also includes protecting children who use the Internet. Today I spoke with Max Thomas, father of three and founder of The Cyber Guardian to[Read More…]

Talking Ergonomics with Dr. Dan ODell

This week I caught up with Microsoft Design Ergonomist Dr. Dan ODell to talk about the importance of desktop Ergonomics.

Foxtel coming to XBox360

Foxtel Pay TV is coming to XBox 360. Microsoft has just announced the new partner ship that will see some Foxtel channels available as a video on demand service though the popular XBox360 games console. Today I spoke with Andrew Jenkins from XBox Australia about the annoucement – Listen HERE .

Playstation Network Video Store open for business

Playstation Network Video Store open for business

From today, Playstation 3 and Playstation Portable users will have access to hundreds of movies to rent or buy, directly from their device. Moves are available to rent in High Definition (HD) or Standard Definition (SD) (from AU$3.99) or purchase (from AU$7.99) in SD. The films come from major movie studios and distributors including 20th Century Fox, ContentFilm, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios[Read More…]

Microsoft Office 2010 – Arriving at retail on June 15

After beta testing by over 8.6 million users around the world, Microsoft Office 2010 launched today for businesss users, however it will be available to everyone, in stores and via download on June 15. The 2010 edition of Office will see users move to the ‘cloud’ with applications like Word, PowerPoint, Excel and OneNote now available in your Web Browser[Read More…]