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Windows 7 – Have you updated?

Microsoft’s latest version of the Windows PC operating system has it’s critics, but Microsoft maintain that the quality of the product speaks for itself. Get more information on Windows 7 HERE.

Pocket High Definition Video Cameras

The average mobile phone is also capable of being a video camera…but have you tried watching it on your computer or TV? The quality is usually quite poor. So until phones mobile phones start packing better video capabilities, you could check out one of the Pocket Video Cameras on the market. Popular choices include… Kodak Zx1, JVC Picsio GCFM1, Flip[Read More…]

Update or Upgrade?

Does your computer need to be replaced or can you simply get away with upgrading some of it’s components? I spoke with Kate Burleigh from Intel on this topic. Listen Here

Government steps up plan to censor the Internet Should the Government control what we can and can’t view on the Internet?Get more information on the planned mandatory internet content filter on Senator Stephen Conroy’s Website.Plus, while the Australian public has not been formaly invited to comment, you can have your say on the Mandatory Internet Content filter via iSpeedy App for iPhone / iPod Touch A great

Livescribe Echo Smartpen

Livescribe Echo Smartpen

If you’re always taking notes in university lectures or business meetings here’s a great gadget to make sure you never miss word, even if your note taking can’t keep up with what’s being said. The Livescribe Echo Smartpen, along with inking down your notes on paper, also records everything you can hear. What’s really great about this Smartpen though is[Read More…]