Recent stories

Playstation 3: MAG (Massive Action Game)

Playstation has just released a new online multi-player game that supports a massive 256 players in one action packed battle. It’s called MAG, which stands for “massive action game” and is set a time in the not to distant future where the global wars are fought by private military corporations. As a player you’ll join up, working in squads of[Read More…]

Today is “Safer Internet Day”

5 Tips to help you stay safe online 1.Think before you post – once information is posted online, even if it’s later deleted or modified, it’s almost impossible to remove completely. 2.Keep your personal information private – be careful about the types of details you publish about yourself and never share important information such as your age, address or phone[Read More…]

Digital Cameras - Panorama Mode

Digital Cameras – Panorama Mode

For those times when you want to fit into a single photo, having a digital camera with a Panorama mode is very handy. In older Cameras, taking a Panoramic photo would involve snapping individual shots and then stitching them together on your computer, however all the hard work can now be done inside the camera. The Sony Cybershot TX1 is[Read More…]

Alternative Web Browsers

In the recent attacks against search giant Google, it was reported that hackers used a security hole in Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. While this may have prompted some users to look for safer alternative web browsing software, Microsoft simply recommends simply updating to the latest version of Internet Explorer. Now for those still keen on seeing ‘what else is out there’,[Read More…]

“Back to School” Internet Security Guide

Internet security company AVG has published a free ‘back to school’ guide on their website to help parents be more aware of the ever changing threats to PCs. I also spoke with Lloyd Borrett from AVG Australia / NZ on Friday about the guide and some of the things that parents and students should be aware of. You can listen[Read More…]