Recent stories

Apple announced the “iPad”

Today Apple unveiled it’s new tablet computing device that’s looks like an oversized iPod touch…but it has many more features. Earlier today I spoke to the Daily Telegraph’s technology writer, Steven Fenech, who is currently in San Francisco covering the announcement from Apple. Listen to the interview HERE

Intel 2010 Core Processor family explained

At the Intel launch event in Sydney last week I spoke to Intel Australia’s Marketing manager, Kate Burleigh, who explains the differences between the new Core i3, i5 and i7 processors which are now appearing in new computers. Listen Here.

Intel launches 2010 processor lineup

Intel launches 2010 processor lineup

Intel has just launched their new 2010 Processor lineup. The new range – i3, i5 and i7 will make it easier to identify exactly what you’re getting in terms of performance when you buy a computer (desktop or notebook). i3 = entry level i5 = mid-range i7 = high performance Look out for these when you next shop for a[Read More…]

Buying from the U.S with ComGateway

Shopping online is a great way to find items that are either hard to find or simply aren’t sold here in Australia, however you may find that many U.S based stores simply don’t offer International shipping.   A good way to get around this is to use an online service like that can either make a purchase on your[Read More…]

Sony “Bloggie” Camera coming next month

Capturing video and sharing it with the world was made easy thanks to websites such as, however there are also come great compact video cameras on the market that make sharing video clips even more simple.   Sony is about to release the “Bloggie”, a simple and compact camera that records both 5 megapixel still images and High Definition[Read More…]