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Build Your Own All-In-One PC with Intel

Build Your Own All-In-One PC with Intel

All in 1 PCs are great space savers as there’s no bulky computer box on the floor or on your desk.  You can pick one up from your local computer retailer…or you can build one yourself! The starting point is a NUC…which is a compact, 4 inch by 4inch computer created by Intel.  These come in kit form so you[Read More…]

What Happens when I Respond to Spam?

What Happens when I Respond to Spam?

Got Spam?  Given that almost 90-pecent of global email traffic is spam there’s a good chance that you’ve seen some today. It’s either unsolicited advertising, a message with a link to a malicious website or a message with a malicious attachment. If you have good internet security software you will be warned off dodgy links or attachments but it’s also[Read More…]

Do 5G Mobile Networks pose a health risk?

Do 5G Mobile Networks pose a health risk?

As 5G Mobile networks roll out across Australia there seems to be some concern that the ultra high frequencies used in this technology pose health risks.  I recently spoke with Chris Althaus CEO of the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association to see what exactly these health issue might be if any.  Listen below. For more information visit

The Real Impact of Poor Wi-Fi

The Real Impact of Poor Wi-Fi

How bad is it when your Wi-Fi connection isn’t great? Well there’s actually been some research commissioned on this by Amazon Devices that proves poor WiFi is a real problem in Australia. The research revealed that 62 percent of us are dissatisfied with our internet connection and 26 percent say that poor wifi has impacted our work. But just how[Read More…]

How COVID-19 Changed Online Habits

How COVID-19 Changed Online Habits

New data from Hootsuite and We Are Social reveals the impact that COVID-19 had on the digital habits of Australians.