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Intel's 10th Gen is Redefining the Notebook Experience

Intel’s 10th Gen is Redefining the Notebook Experience

Tech Daily was recently invited to the launch of Intel’s 10th Generation Core Mobile Processors.  Now on face value that may not sound every exciting, however what was revealed at the event was not just the latest in the family of mobile processors with double-digit increased in performance but an insight into how Intel is inspiring how notebook and 2-in-1[Read More…]

Poor Password Behaviour is Bad for Business

Bad password habits by employees are impacting the security of business.  That’s the headline of the LastPass Global password security report that offers insights into employee password behaviours. So what are people doing wrong?   The top offender is  password sharing and re-use…that’s using the same password across multiple accounts and it’s a common practice in most businesses – with an[Read More…]

Xbox Introduce New Content Filter Settings

Xbox Introduce New Content Filter Settings

  Xbox is putting players(and/or their parents) in greater control with new content filtering tools launched this week. This means that messages received on Xbox (both from friends and non-friends) can set to pass though various levels of filtering – potentially stamping out offensive language, hate speech or other inappropriate content depending on the sensitivity of the user. Parents will[Read More…]

Robots serving up Ice Cream in Melbourne

Robots serving up Ice Cream in Melbourne

Australia’s first ever robotic retail store has just opened up in Melbourne…and the robotic employees are serving up Ice Cream.   Take a look at the video below. Niska, offers a unique experience with Australian-made gourmet and artisan ice-cream served a team of robot attendants; Pepper, Eka and Tony. It is the nation’s first ever robotic retail store located at Federation[Read More…]

Australia's Best TV also costs 60k

Australia’s Best TV also costs 60k

LG has recently unveiled the latest 8K resolution TV.  It costs just under 60 thousand dollars and they’re calling it the best TV in Australia. It’s their first 8K OLED and it’s certainly big with an 88-inch screen but what makes it the best?  I spoke with Angus Jones from LG Australia and asked him just that. Listen below.[Read More…]