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Free Spell-Check for your Website

Free Spell-Check for your Website

Creating a website for your business is easier than ever…but one thing that can quickly sent potential customers running to your competitors is poor spelling. If you’re making regular posts on your website to set yourself up as an expert you’ll want to make sure they are free from errors.   Now you can either have another person check over your[Read More…]

Making low cost phone calls online?

Making low cost phone calls online?

If you’re looking to call someone overseas…there are much better ways to go about it then simply using your landline or mobile phone. Now you may already know that Apps like Skype, WhatsApp and even facebook messenger are great for making free video and audio calls….but what if the other person isn’t online? My go-to solution for this is still[Read More…]

XBox One - Digital Only Version coming this year

XBox One – Digital Only Version coming this year

If you’ve played any kinds of console based video game over the past 25 years, chances are you’ve loaded it up using some sort of disc format…well that’s about the change. Of course it was always heading in this direction but now it’s official with Microsoft launching an All-Digital Edition of the XBox One S games console. It’s been created[Read More…]

A Virtual trip to Gallipoli with Google

A Virtual trip to Gallipoli with Google

Every year, thousands of Australians travel to Gallipoli to remember our heroic diggers — but for those who are unable to travel to Turkey, Google Street View can help you virtually explore the eastern coast and embrace the Anzac spirit. Here are three locations to explore as a starting point to learning more about the campaign and the land on[Read More…]

Affordable Smartphone Options?

Affordable Smartphone Options?

What’s a great smartphone that’s also very affordable?  I get asked this quite a bit…so here are two of the latest candidates. The Nokia 1 plus features a 5.45inch display and runs on a lighter and more efficient version of Android 9 Pie.  It’s priced at just $169…and also has an FM radio built in. Other features include: Cutting-edge design[Read More…]