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March 31 is World Backup Day

March 31 is World Backup Day

This coming Sunday is World Backup Day…when was the last time you made a copy of your important files? Just think about it…If your computer’s hard drive failed, files were accidentally erased or your computer or device was lost or stolen, would everything be lost or do you have a backup system in place? A backup that’s a combination of[Read More…]

Australia's most Energy Efficient Fridge

Australia’s most Energy Efficient Fridge

Your fridge is one of the most energy hungry appliances in the house, so how does it impact on your electricity bill?   Well the latest fridge from Hisense will definitely have less of an impact as it’s Australia’s first refrigerator that has an Energy Star Rating of 5.5. Under the hood of the new Hisense Black Steel 453Litre Bottom[Read More…]

Google+ Final Wrap-up

Google plus is in the final phase of being wound up so now is the time to save any content you want to keep…that’s if you ever used it. Google plus was launched in 2011 by Google as an alternative social network to rival facebook and twitter…but it never really rose to the same heights and so last year it[Read More…]

Samsung 8K TV in Stores this week

Samsung 8K TV in Stores this week

As I discovered at CES 2019 in Las Vegas earlier this year, this is the year of 8K TV., and next week Samsung will release their QLED 8K TV into stores. Now from the previews I’ve seen 8K quality content looks incredible and with the screens you absolutely won’t see the individual pixels…but the big question is around content? Right[Read More…]

Google Clock App now has Google Assistant Integration

Google Clock App now has Google Assistant Integration

Here’s a handly new feature for Android smartphone users.   Your Google assistant now makes it easier to get up and get moving in the morning now that it’s been given an update to link it with Androids clock app. It may not physically get you out of bed faster however, your morning alarm can now trigger other useful events[Read More…]