Intel 3D camera to bring human senses to computers

Intel 3D camera to bring human senses to computers

At the Consumer electronics show in Las Vegas this week Intel unveiled their efforts to bring more human-like interaction senses to devices in 2014. The world-first and smallest Interegrated 3D depth and 2D camera is the start of a new line of products under the name Intel® RealSense™ technology and will help devices see more like the human eye does. The full[Read More…]

The Top YouTube Videos of 2014

The Top YouTube Videos of 2014

YouTube has just released its list of the most watched videos and popular channels in Australians for 2013. I recently spoke to Shane Treeves from YouTube Australia about the list and trends in online video content.  Listen below. Here are the fastest-rising Australian YouTube channels of 2013 – the local stars who attracted the most new subscribers from around the[Read More…]

XBox One takes you for a drive around Mt. Panorama

One of the first games to appear on the new XBox One console is the racing title Forza Motorsport 5.  For Australian’s who love their Motorsport the inclusion of the Mt. Panorama track at Bathurst makes game makes it a must play title.  Check out the video below.